Date(s) - February 8, 2024
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
In partnership with the Morris Community YMCA, Morris Hospital Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Mostafa Ghanim and General Cardiologist Dr. Mary Menz are leading the free, Healthy Happens Here session called “Heart of the Matter” on February 8, 2024. In this session, you will learn directly from Morris Hospital cardiologists about the risks and preventative measures you can take to keep your heart healthy and strong, as well as the differences between men and women’s heart disease symptoms and warning signs of leg artery blockages, known as peripheral artery disease (PAD).
The Heathy Happens Here series is open to the public, ages 18 and older, and non-YMCA members are welcome to attend! To register, call the Morris YMCA at (815) 513-8080 or click here to be redirected to the YMCA event page. If you are not a current YMCA member, you will be required to “sign up” to register for the class. Please select the Community Member options to ensure you will not be prompted to pay the monthly membership fee to attend the free sessions.
Morris Community YMCA
Phone Number
For more information, call (815) 513-8080